Ladislav Svoboda / Nicolas Bolas

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Ladislav Svoboda / Nicolas Bolas
Ladislav Svoboda / Nicolas Bolas
Ladislav Svoboda / Nicolas Bolas
Ladislav Svoboda / Nicolas Bolas
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10 000 Kč
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acrylic marker on canvas 70 x 50 2018 Ladislav Svoboda (*1986) shows how a painting that seems very surprising at first glance can bring even more unexpected surprises at second glance. If we don't get lost in the mosaic-like varied structures, we slowly begin to recognize figures that until now have almost perfectly blended into their surroundings, as if they were using "mimicry", protective colouring. For Ladislav Svoboda, painting became one of the main ways of overcoming serious inhibitions in communicating with the outside world. Despite his Asperger's Syndrome, he has managed to successfully complete his Master's degree at university, and he has been writing science fiction stories. But his paintings are probably the most telling message about what he is experiencing. They have an unmistakable style, they are volatile in colour, fragmented, seemingly uncluttered, but at the same time very elaborate and meticulously executed down to the smallest detail. Also striking is the need to fill the entire space to the very edge, known in art history as "horror vacui" - the fear of emptiness. Among the characters Svoboda depicts, one can often recognize heroes of today's pop culture, for example from comics, computer games or science fiction films. At the same time, he also paints characters from his own texts, such as the large series The First Defence. There are also paintings of favourite pets, portraits of family members or close friends. He originally drew with ink markers on paper, but in recent years he has been using acrylic markers and a painter's canvas. He spends a lot of time on each of his paintings, usually many weeks but sometimes months.

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ALTÁN ART provozuje tři hlavní projekty: 1. Ateliér radostné tvorby (A.R.T.) - kreativní atelier pro umělce s mentálním handicapem a duševním onemocněním s celoročním a každodenním provozem, kde v současnosti tvoří 16 výtvarníků ve svobodném prostředí s profesionálními výtvarnými podmínkami. Adresa: Praha 7, Nad Královskou Oborou 55 s bezbariérovým vstupem a sociálním zařízením pro vozíčkáře, více na 2. Galerie Art brut Praha věnující se výhradně tvorbě art but české, ale i zahraniční s 11 výstavami ročně s provozem Út-So 14-19. Adresa: Praha 2, Dittrichova ulice při kostele sv. Václava na Zderaze s bezbariérovým vstupem, více na 3. Kulturně komunitní centrum ART s výtvarnou, hudební a přednáškovou činností pro seniory a lidi se zdravotním znevýhodněním s celoročním a každodenním provozem. Adresa: Praha 7, Nad Královskou Oborou 55 s bezbariérovým vstupem, více na

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